Well, here we are again. It’s been several months since my last blog post, and I’ve been busy working on a PS3 emulator among other things. But I finally found the time (and the motivation) to write another post. By the end of this part, we should execute our first EE instruction! So, let’s get into it!


We’ll be developing this emulator in C++, but it could easily be adapted to a variety of other platforms. We’ll also be using SDL2 to blit a framebuffer to the screen, and most of the instructions will assume a Linux development environment, although they could be adapted to Windows with little to no hassle.

You’ll also need at least a passing experience with both emulation development and C++ programming, as this blog will become far too long if I explain all the basics.


Before we can begin, you’ll need a copy of the 4 MB BIOS used in the PlayStation 2. There are several different revisions, but I’ve found the easiest to boot initially is a strange Japanese prototype BIOS called ‘SCPH10000.BIN’. Of course, I can’t legally share this ROM, so you’ll have to dump it for yourself from a console or do a bit of digging on the internet.

Now, let’s set up our directory structure:

A capture of the tree command, showing a folder named src with a subfolder named mem, a folder named build, and a file named CMakeLists.txt

The mem folder will contain our Bus namespace. This namespace will contain all of our read and write functions for the console. So, let’s create that now.

The Code

Let’s define the interface for our Bus. Create src/mem/Bus.h and open it.

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>

namespace Bus

void Init(std::string biosName);


So, first we begin with our standard include functions. No surprises there.

Next, we define Bus as a namespace. I believe that too much OOP is a bad thing, so we’ll be defining a decent chunk of our codebase in namespaces.

The Init() function will be responsible for initializing our memory arrays and loading the BIOS file into memory.

Let’s implement it in src/mem/Bus.cpp now.

#include <mem/Bus.h>
#include <fstream>

namespace Bus

	void Init(std::string biosName)
		std::ifstream biosFile(biosName, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
		size_t size = biosFile.tellg();
		biosFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);


So, now we’ve got the file opened and we’ve got the size. Let’s add an assert to make sure our file is the proper size:

#include <cassert>
	// Inside Init()
	assert(size == 4*1024*1024); // Make sure the file is 4MB exactly

Next, we’ll need an array to store the BIOS in:

uint8_t* bios;
	// At  the top of Init()
	bios = new uint8_t[4*1024*1024];

Now we can read the file into this array:

file.read((char*)bios, size);

Now, let’s set up src/main.cpp to do some basic argv checking and have it initialize our Bus namespace.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mem/Bus.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (argc < 2)
		printf("Usage: %s <bios>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	return 0;

Next, we’ll setup CMake to build our project for us:



set(CXX_STANDARD c++23)

set(SOURCES src/main.cpp



add_executable(ps2 ${SOURCES})
set(TARGET_NAME ps2)


Now, on Linux, the project can be built by typing

cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc -a)

Try it out by typing ./ps2 followed by your BIOS file name. It should work!

Now we can start defining our Emotion Engine. First, we’ll need to add a Read32() function to Bus, as instructions on the PS2 are 32 bits long.

// In Bus.h
uint32_t Read32(uint32_t addr);
// In Bus.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
uint32_t Read32(uint32_t addr)
	printf("[EE]: Read32 from unknown address 0x%08x\n", addr);

So, let’s discuss the Emotion Engine’s memory map. On MIPS processors, addresses can be virtual, translated to physical addresses using this table:

A list of MIPS segments, followed by their corresponding physical addresses

This can be simplified down to this code, where the top

uint32_t TranslateAddress(uint32_t addr)
	return addr & 0x1FFFFFFF;

However, there is an exception to this rule: scratchpad RAM, which is CPU-side, can only be accessed via virtual addressing at 0x70000000. Let’s add this now:

uint32_t TranslateAddress(uint32_t addr)
	if ((addr & 0xF0000000) == 0x70000000)
		return addr;
	return addr & 0x1FFFFFFF;

Next, let’s fill out our Read32() function to allow reading from the BIOS, which is mapped starting at 0x1fc00000 - 0x20000000 (4 MB):

uint32_t Read32(uint32_t addr)
	addr = TranslateAddr(addr);

	if (addr >= 0x1fc00000 && addr < 0x20000000)
		return *(uint32_t*)&bios[addr & 0x3FFFFF];

	printf("[EE]: Read32 from unknown address 0x%08x\n", addr);

We do a bitwise and on the address with 0x3FFFFF (4 MB - 1) to truncate the address to the proper offset within the BIOS.

Now, let’s make our EmotionEngine namespace. Make a new folder under src named cpu, and then make a new folder under that named ee. Create EmotionEngine.h and EmotionEngine.cpp.

In EmotionEngine.h, we’ll set up our Reset() and Tick() functions:

#pragma once

namespace EmotionEngine

	void Reset();
	void Tick(int cycles);


Don’t worry about the cycles parameter for now. That will come in handy when we implement a scheduler later. For now, let’s move on to EmotionEngine.cpp:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <cpu/ee/EmotionEngine.h>

namespace EmotionEngine

	void Reset()



So, let’s take a look at how a MIPS processor is laid out:

  • First, there are 32 128-bit general purpose registers
  • There is a 32-bit PC that keeps track of the current instruction
  • There are three coprocessors, which are accessed through the mtcN and mfcN instructions (where N is any of 0, 1 or 2).
  • Branches take one extra instruction to take effect, leading to an extra instruction being executed after a branch. This is called a “branch delay slot”

So, let’s implement some of this:

// Inside the EmotionEngine namespace
uint32_t pc, next_pc; // next_pc will be used to handle branch delay slots

Hold on, 128-bit GPRs? How will we emulate those? On GCC, the answer is a builtin type named __int128, which we can use for native 128-bit integers. So, let’s create another file named src/types.h:

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>

union uint128_t
	unsigned __int128 u128;
	uint64_t u64[2];
	uint32_t u32[4];
	uint16_t u16[8];
	uint8_t u8[16];

We use a union so we can easily access the different register sizes with minimal hassle.

Now, include it in EmotionEngine.cpp and define our GPRs, along with COP0’s registers:

uint128_t regs[32];
uint32_t cop0_regs[32];

We’ll explain some of the functions of COP0’s registers as they become relevant. Now, let’s implement our Reset() function.

#include <cstring>

void Reset()
	memset(regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
	pc = 0xbfc00000;
	next_pc = pc + 4;

The CPU starts executing at 0xbfc00000, which is translated to 0x1fc00000, which maps to the BIOS.

Now, let’s implement the Tick() function:

void Tick(int cycles)
	for (int cycle = 0; cycle < cycles; cycle++)
		uint32_t instr = Bus::Read32(pc);
		pc = next_pc;
		next_pc += 4;

		uint32_t op = (instr >> 26) & 0x3F;
		switch (op)
			printf("[EE]: Unknown opcode 0x%02x (0x%08x)\n", op, instr);

Now, in src/main.cpp:


while (true)

Add the source files to CMakeLists.txt:

set(SOURCES src/main.cpp

Build and run, and you should get this:

[EE]: Unknown opcode 0x10 (0x401a7800)

And that concludes this part! In the next part, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of implementing EE opcodes, and try to get our first message in the TTY console!

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Writing a PS2 emulator, the guide: Part 1, an intro to the hardware
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