Waternoose, the XBOX 360 emulator
A very young XBOX 360 emulator that aims to boot games some day
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XexLoader Member List

This is the complete list of members for XexLoader, including all inherited members.

GetEntryPoint() const (defined in XexLoader)XexLoader
GetHandle() const (defined in XexLoader)XexLoaderinlinevirtual
GetLibraries() constXexLoaderinline
GetLibraryIndexByName(const char *name) const (defined in XexLoader)XexLoader
GetPath() constXexLoaderinline
GetStackSize() const (defined in XexLoader)XexLoader
LookupOrdinal(uint32_t ordinal) (defined in XexLoader)XexLoader
XexLoader(uint8_t *buffer, size_t len, std::string path)XexLoader